Our Denver dentist urges you to consider your teeth for a moment. Our teeth accomplish so much on a daily basis. Chewing, biting, helping us form our words, communicating our smiles – at the end of the day, our teeth deserve a rest. But countless Americans put their teeth through painful trials each night. You may or may not be aware of your bruxism, unconscious teeth grinding. But whether you are aware of your grinding or not, it will take place once you fall asleep. Grinders have no control over their jaw movements while sleeping – some even grind during the day without noticing. Your teeth, your temporomandibular joint, and your entire face will benefit from muscle relaxation with the aid of a mouth guard.
Consequences of Bruxism
Though a little nighttime grinding may seem innocuous, the consequences can be grave. Unchecked grinding will lead to:
– Head and jaw pain
– Migraines
– Worn teeth surfaces
– Loose teeth
– Gum recession
– TMD – Temporomandibular joint disorder, commonly referred to as TMJ
– Tooth loss – When grinding has severely compromised tooth structure, the tooth will lose functionality and health, and either require extraction or fall out.
Our Denver dentist urges you to avoid these painful and frustrating consequences by contacting our office to discuss whether you may need a mouth guard.
Benefits of Mouth Guards
Mouth guards are plastic appliances to be worn at night, or whenever bruxism may rear its head. Our Denver dentist will take an impression of your teeth so that the mouth guard will fit snugly and comfortably. Also known as occlusal guards or night guards, mouth guards prevent your jaw from moving in ways that prove harmful to itself and to your teeth. Different mouth guards have different looks and puposes – your mouth guard may cover your upper or lower teeth, both upper and lower, or may specifically restrict jaw movement. Some mouth guards are able to restrict the tongue and prevent snoring and sleep apnea.
Mouth guards are capable of so much, and will last for years. But the first step to take is investigating whether or not you need a mouth guard. If you have been experiencing tooth pain, head pain, migraines, jaw pain, discomfort chewing, or waking up during the night, it’s likely that your jaw is active after dark. Contact our Denver dentist to learn more about your mouth guard options.